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case studies
See how ITLab has helped businesses, delivering the best people and technology, unravelling complexity and bringing a sustainable competitive advantage.
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FMCG Streamlining Manufacturing Processes in the Food Industry with Microsoft Business Central @Nutaste
FMGC leader transformation with new digital revolution to eliminate IT Challe

Education Improve IT planning
How we helped a Maryland staffing firm improve their IT planning

Banking and Finance Connect network app
They were provided with a cutting-edge, multi-user aware Citrix server.

Accounting Cloud server migration
As DPS worked through moving their system to a more modern platform

Banking and Finance Managed cloud hosting
DPSs’ provided the company with enhanced and reliable mobility

EducationNon-Profit Virtual desktop infrastructure
The lack of suitable resources was leading to employee dissatisfaction


Education Exploring the Impact of Education at Manipal University
Elevate MUJ’s Operations: Expert Support for Business Central and Power


Manufacturing Transforming NSSI with digital innovation by INCITE
Empowering NSSI with Centralized Support: Business Central & Power Platf